Nulled WordPress Themes

(v4.5.1) Zeen Next Generation Magazine WordPress Theme Free Download

The expansive world of WordPress themes, the Zeen Next Generation Magazine Theme Nulled stands as a cutting-edge and versatile solution that redefines the standards for online magazine and content-focused websites. Crafted with precision by the team at Codetipi, this theme is a testament to the evolving landscape of digital publishing. Let’s delve into the key features and attributes that make Zeen a standout choice for those seeking a modern and feature-rich WordPress theme for their online magazines.

Contemporary Design for Digital Elegance:

Zeen boasts a contemporary design that seamlessly blends sophistication with functionality. The theme’s aesthetic appeal is defined by clean lines, modern typography, and a focus on user-friendly navigation. From the homepage to individual articles, Zeen ensures a visually engaging and immersive experience for readers.

Advanced Customization with Drag-and-Drop Builder:

Zeen integrates a powerful drag-and-drop builder that facilitates advanced customization without the need for coding expertise. This intuitive builder empowers users to effortlessly create and modify layouts, experiment with different elements, and craft visually stunning pages that align with their unique vision and brand identity.

Versatile Demo Concepts for Varied Niches:

Zeen doesn’t just offer a theme; it provides a range of versatile demo concepts catering to various niches. Whether your focus is on fashion, lifestyle, tech, or any other subject matter, Zeen’s diverse demos serve as a starting point, allowing users to kickstart their websites with pre-designed layouts tailored to specific content genres.

Innovative Smart Lists and Curation Features:

Setting Zeen apart is its innovative smart lists and curation features. The theme empowers content creators with the ability to curate articles dynamically, create smart lists that automatically update based on predefined criteria, and showcase trending or related content seamlessly. These features contribute to an engaging and dynamic reading experience.

Integrated Video Playlists for Multimedia Engagement:

Recognizing the growing importance of multimedia content, Zeen incorporates an integrated video playlist feature. Content creators can seamlessly showcase video content in playlists, offering readers a continuous and immersive viewing experience. This integration enhances the multimedia capabilities of Zeen for those who prioritize video content.

Responsive Design for Cross-Device Compatibility:

Zeen prioritizes responsiveness, ensuring that websites built with the theme adapt flawlessly to various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. The theme’s responsive design contributes to a consistent and enjoyable user experience, regardless of the device used to access the content.

Advanced Typography Options for Readability:

Typography plays a crucial role in the readability of online content. Zeen offers advanced typography options, allowing users to customize font styles, sizes, and spacing. This attention to typography enhances the overall readability of articles and ensures a visually pleasing presentation of textual content.

Monetization Opportunities with Ad Spaces:

For those looking to monetize their online magazines, Zeen provides strategically placed ad spaces. Content creators can seamlessly integrate banner ads, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing, maximizing opportunities to generate revenue from their digital publications.

Social Media Integration for Amplified Reach:

Recognizing the importance of social media in content dissemination, Zeen integrates seamlessly with various social platforms. Users can incorporate social media feeds, sharing buttons, and other elements to encourage audience interaction and amplify the reach of their content across diverse social channels.

Regular Updates for Optimal Performance:

To ensure the theme stays aligned with the latest WordPress standards and industry trends, Zeen receives regular updates. These updates not only introduce new features but also address any potential issues, providing users with a reliable and contemporary theme that evolves with the dynamic nature of digital publishing.

In conclusion, the Zeen Next Generation Magazine WordPress Theme Free Download stands as a beacon of innovation and functionality in the world of online magazines. With its contemporary design, advanced customization options, versatile demo concepts, and innovative features like smart lists and video playlists, Zeen sets a new standard for digital publishing. As a responsive and feature-rich theme, Zeen continues to be a preferred choice for those seeking to elevate their online magazines with a seamless blend of style and substance.



  • New: Replace Twitter logo with X logo
  • Fix: Infinite post scroll breaking with certain special iframes/ads
  • Fix: WooCommerce Product Page: Quantity arrows appearing when products set to max 1 quantity
  • Updated Plugin: Zeen Engine v2.9.2

VERSION 4.5.0 – 1ST JANUARY 2024

  • New: PHP 8.2 compatibility
  • New: PHP 8.3 compatibility
  • New: WordPress 6.4.2 compatibility
  • New: WooCommerce 8.4.0 compatibility
  • New: Jetpack 12.9.3 compatibility
  • New: Smooth scroll to comments section from direct comment links
  • Updated WooCommerce Outdated templates
  • Fixed: Links directly to hidden comments not triggering comments visiblity
  • Updated: Plugin: Zeen Engine v2.9.1
  • Updated: Plugin: Let’s Social Count v1.2.2
  • Updated: Plugin: Let’s Review v3.4.3
  • Updated: Plugin: Let’s Info Up v1.4.9
  • Updated: Plugin: Let’s Live Blog v1.2.2

VERSION 4.4.0 – 27 JULY 2023

  • Improved: Certain numbers will use commas/decimal points as thousand separators (depending on site locale)
  • Fix: Safari browser: turning iPhone max on its side would make blocks disappear
  • Fix: Safari browser: Sticky sidebar’s position sometimes flipped sides
  • Fix: WooCommerce quantity arrows were appearing even if only 1 stock left
  • Fix: WooCommerce Order and Subscription design on mobile improved (Big thanks to Joakim for funding the development of this)
  • Updated: Plugin: Let’s Ajaxify The Login v1.0.2
  • Updated: Plugin: Zeen Engine v2.9.0


  • Improved: Mobile slide in menu: 3rd level menu items dropdown icon functionality
  • Fix: Safari: Emoji reaction images not rendering
  • Fix: Woocommerce sale prices not showing a strikethrough
  • Updated: Plugin: Let’s Ajaxify The Login v1.0.1

VERSION 4.3.0 – 1ST MARCH 2023

  • New: Theme Options > Typography > Fonts: On/off option to automatically download any selected Google fonts and host them locally (for GDPR)
  • New: Zeen Social Icons Widget: TikTok added
  • New: Plugin: Let’s Ajaxify The Login
  • New: Mastodon social icon
  • New: Github social icon
  • Improved Lazyload performance
  • Updated: Included all new Google Fonts (as of March 2023)
  • Updated: WooCommerce template parts
  • Fix: Ajax search results: Woocommerce products layout
  • Fix: Lazyloading on Safari
  • Fix: Safari quirk with dark/light mode changes
  • Fix: Incorrect prices for products in hoverer block

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