
Divi Pixel Free Download v2.29.2

It is a powerful tool that enhances the capabilities of the Divi Builder, a popular WordPress page builder. Divi Pixel free download offers various modules, options, and features that make the Divi Builder even more versatile.

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Here are some features and benefits of the Divi Pixel Nulled plugin:

  1. New Modules: Divi Pixel often introduces custom modules to the Divi Builder, adding to the variety of elements you can use to design your website.
  2. Enhanced Functionality: It offers enhanced functions to existing Divi modules, like additional animation effects, hover effects, and more.
  3. Customization Options: Divi Pixel GPL allows users to make global changes to elements like buttons, headers, and footers without editing each module individually.
  4. Performance Features: Divi Pixel may offer optimization features, like the ability to defer script loading or optimize CSS delivery.
  5. Improved Navigation: Enhancements for menu design and functionality can be included, such as mega menus or sticky menus.
  6. Custom Blog Layouts: While Divi already offers blog modules, plugins like Divi Pixel can add more styles and layouts to the mix.
  7. Mobile Optimization: Additional controls for mobile views can help users fine-tune their mobile site experience.
  8. Integrations: The plugin may offer seamless integrations with other tools, plugins, or platforms.
  9. Regular Updates: Just like Divi itself, good Divi-enhancing plugins usually receive regular updates for compatibility and new features.
  10. Pre-made Layouts & Designs: Some plugins include pre-made templates or designs, saving users time during the website-building process.

If you’re considering using Divi Pixel:

  • Compatibility: Ensure it’s compatible with the latest version of Divi and WordPress.
  • Support & Documentation: Check if the developer provides ample documentation and responsive support for any queries or issues you might face.
  • Customizations: Understand that while plugins like Divi Pixel can significantly extend Divi’s capabilities, they also introduce more complexity. Ensure any customizations you make don’t negatively impact site performance or user experience.
  • Backup: Always backup your website before installing and activating a new plugin.
Free Download

Remember that the Divi ecosystem is vast, with many plugins available. It’s a good idea to research and find the best tool for your specific needs, and Divi Pixel free download is undoubtedly one of the popular choices in this space.


2.29.2 December 21st 2023

  • Fixed Dual Heading border issue
  • Fixed Divi 4.23.2 compatibility issue
  • Fixed Tripadvisor social icon issue
  • Fixed Table Maker depraciated PHP: automatic conversion of false to array
  • Fixed Flip Box module showing back side
  • Fixed Popup Maker position issue when content is having single tags
  • Fixed Filterable Gallery JS error when Conditional Display is used
  • Improved Blog Slider data attribute format

2.29.1 December 15th 2023

  • Fixed parent mobile menu item link issue
  • Fixed Jetpack captcha field width on login screen
  • Fixed not saving Divi Pixel Category and link in Media Library
  • Fixed not showing Read More button for arabic string in Blog Slider
  • Fixed Dual Heading background text stroke color issue
  • Fixed JS error when responsive text settings for TOC module title are used
  • Fixed Gravity Forms Styler border issue when Orbital theme is used
  • Added delay option to the Typing Text module
  • Added archive page styling for search results page
  • Added option to hide Homepage in the Breadcrumbs module
  • Added option to remove Html for empty field in Testimonial Slider
  • Added pagination and load more settings to the Masonry Gallery module
  • Added option to show/hide Clear Divi Cache option in the WP toolbar
  • Improved Fix Lazy Loading Image in Filterable Grid and Filterable Gallery

2.29.0 November 24th 2023

  • NEW: Table Maker module
  • Added margin, padding and custom CSS filed for Advanced Tabs tab image
  • Added Divider module to WPML config file
  • Added custom CSS field to Advanced Tabs button
  • Added shortcode support to Blog Slider, Parallax Image and Pricing Table modules
  • Added title tag control for the Pricing Table Feature
  • Added ability to translate DIPI category taxonomy
  • Added support of Gravity Forms Styler to different themes
  • Added Link toggle to Tile Scroll child modules
  • Added “Clickable Card” option to the Blog Slider module
  • Added mobile option for the Ripple Effect Style 2 in the Image Hotspot module
  • Added alt text for image in the Expanding CTA module
  • Fixed Reveal module expanded height issue
  • Fixed Panorama responsive issue
  • Fixed menu hover animation when translation is used
  • Fixed Reveal height in Advanced Tabs, Content Slider and Content Toggle
  • Fixed Flip Box dynamic link issue
  • Fixed not working page exclusion option in the TOC module
  • Fixed not working Carousel link in older Safari browsers
  • Improved Image Hotspot tooltip position on mobiles

2.28.0 October 11th 2023

  • NEW: Divider module
  • Fixed Accordion Image rendering issue when used in Theme Builder template
  • Fixed WPML-config.xml file conflict with Polylang plugin
  • Fixed Reveal issue when used in the Content Slider module
  • Fixed Image Slider thumbs navigation not working when Theme Builder is used
  • Fixed Filterable Grid taxonomy select field issue with the Polylang plugin
  • Fixed not working FAQ module order not working in the builder
  • Fixed incorrect image count displayed in the Image Slider lightbox
  • Fixed Gravity Forms Styler unique ID field not showing in the editor
  • Fixed Gravity Forms Styler dropdown arrow position issue
  • Added Custom CSS fields for Hover Gallery images and content icons
  • Added Yelp and Spotify social media icons
  • Added Popup Maker width settings
  • Added Custom CSS ID & Classes to the Timeline child items
  • Updated WPML configuration file

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