Nulled WordPress Plugins

LearnDash LMS 4.15.1 Nulled – WordPress LMS plugin

Unleashing the Power of Learning with LearnDash Nulled, an all-in-one Learning Management System (LMS) for WordPress. This robust platform promises an array of features that elevate your e-learning experience, presenting an outstanding blend of functionality, customization, and convenience.

What is LearnDash?

LearnDash is a premium WordPress plugin, recognized for its incredible versatility in creating and managing online courses. From educators to corporate trainers, business owners to entrepreneurs, LearnDash provides everyone with the tools necessary to develop dynamic learning environments.


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LearnDash LMS Addons Download


1. Easy Course Builder: LearnDash has a drag-and-drop course builder that simplifies the course creation process. You can create multi-layer courses with lessons, topics, quizzes, and categories, facilitating a structured learning pathway for users.

2. Advanced Quizzing: The plugin features an impressive array of quiz elements, question types, and options for custom feedback and results. It supports single/multiple choice, free text, sorting, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and survey-type questions. You can also implement quiz timers and question banks to enhance the learning experience.

3. Drip-feed Content: LearnDash allows for the drip-feeding of course content according to a schedule. This feature aids in pacing the learning process, ensuring students don’t feel overwhelmed.

4. Selling Courses: LearnDash integrates seamlessly with popular e-commerce and membership plugins, allowing you to sell your courses and monetize your platform. It supports one-time purchases, subscriptions, memberships, and course bundles.

5. Forums for Learners: To foster community interaction and peer learning, LearnDash supports the creation of course-specific forums. This feature ensures active engagement and helps learners clarify doubts and share insights.

6. Certificate & Badges: To incentivize learning and recognize achievements, LearnDash lets you offer certificates and badges to students upon course or quiz completion. These can be customized according to your preferences.

7. Email Notifications: LearnDash’s email notification system keeps both instructors and students updated on course progress, performance, and updates.

8. Group Management: If you’re an enterprise with various departments or a coach with different student batches, LearnDash’s Group Management feature allows you to efficiently organize your users.

9. Reports & Analytics: The plugin provides comprehensive reports on student progress, course completions, and quiz performances, helping you understand learning patterns and enhance course effectiveness.

Download LearnDash WordPress LMS Plugin

Embracing LearnDash LMS Nulled as your Learning Management System empowers you with an arsenal of features designed to optimize online learning and teaching. Its intuitive course builder, versatile quizzing options, and effective learner engagement tools make it a top choice for individuals and businesses alike.

Whether you’re an educator looking to enrich your virtual classroom, a business aiming to train your team effectively, or an entrepreneur seeking to monetize your knowledge, LearnDash stands as an exceptional tool to aid your journey. Dive into the LearnDash free download universe and reshape your online learning experience. The power to create, manage, and excel at delivering online courses is now within your reach.

Free Download


Update: 4.15.1


  • Tweak – Deprecated constants: LEARNDASH_QUIZ_ESSAY_SUBMIT_COMPLETED.
  • Tweak – Updated templates: `modules/ai/virtual-instructor/message-default.php`, `modules/ai/virtual-instructor/message-error.php`.


  • Fix – Resolved issue where standalone quizzes did not trigger the learndash_quiz_completed action.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where the LearnDash Customizer outputted the default CSS values, changing the CSS priorities and affecting some themes.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where the switch field in admin settings was not displaying the label correctly depending on the state.

Update: 4.15.0


  • Feature – Customizer settings for the LearnDash 3.0 template.


  • Tweak – Updated functions: `learndash_put_directory_index_file`.
  • Tweak – Added filters: `learndash_customizer_config`, `learndash_customizer_control`, `learndash_customizer_css_priority`, `learndash_customizer_themes`.
  • Tweak – Added actions: `learndash_customizer_control_add_after`, `learndash_customizer_control_add_before`, `learndash_customizer_panel_add_after`, `learndash_customizer_panel_add_before`, `learndash_customizer_section_add_after`, `learndash_customizer_section_add_before`, `learndash_customizer_setting_add_after`, `learndash_customizer_setting_add_before`, `learndash_customizer_themes_init_after`, `learndash_customizer_themes_init_before`, `learndash_customizer_theme_init_after`, `learndash_customizer_theme_init_before`.


  • Fix – Fixed issue where adding directory index file causes PHP notices when the directory is not writable.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where admins cannot disable all toggles in certain metaboxes.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where Additional Question Options won’t stay toggled on when only “Randomize Answers” is enabled.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where Windows-based servers were unable to use the Import tool.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where adding a percentage symbol in password in login form would change the password.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where TrustedLogin access link doesn’t auto log in the user.

Update: 4.14.0


  • Feature – Added decimal and negative number support to quiz points.
  • Feature – Added “Different points for each answer” option support to the quiz builder.
  • Feature – TrustedLogin – Provide one click secure access to your site for our support team.


  • Tweak – Added points calculation within the POST route in the `ldlms/v1/sfwd-questions/<id>` REST API endpoint.
  • Tweak – Updated constants: WPPROQUIZ_VERSION.
  • Tweak – Updated functions: `learndash_format_course_points`, `learndash_get_essay_details`, `learndash_proquiz_sync_question_fields`, `learndash_question_assessment_fetch_data`, `learndash_question_cloze_fetch_data`, `learndash_question_free_get_answer_data`, `learndash_update_quiz_statistics`.
  • Tweak – Updated filters: `learndash_course_points_format_round`, `learndash_fetch_quiz_questions`, `learndash_ques_free_answer_pts`, `learndash_ques_multiple_answer_pts_each`, `learndash_ques_multiple_answer_pts_whole`, `learndash_ques_single_answer_pts`, `learndash_quiz_question_answer_preprocess`.
  • Tweak – Updated templates: `legacy/templates/quiz/partials/show_quiz_questions_box.php`.


  • Fix – Resolved issue where NaN points label could appear if points were deleted in the quiz builder.
  • Fix – Fixed quiz statistics loading for quizzes where all questions are set to 0 points.
  • Fix – Improved question and answer points synchronization in the quiz builder.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where the question settings were ignored in the quiz builder when the existing question was added.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where the question was being duplicated on deletion in the quiz builder sidebar in some cases.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where the free choice question points are calculated incorrectly when the different points mode is enabled.

Update: 4.13.0


  • Feature – LearnDash Experiments.
  • Feature – Virtual Instructor [Experiment].


  • * Tweak – Added filters: `learndash_experiments`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_applied_to_all_courses`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_applied_to_all_groups`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_avatar_url`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_banned_words`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_course_ids`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_custom_instruction`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_error_message`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_group_ids`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_message_contains_banned_words`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_name`, `learndash_module_ai_chatgpt_summarizer_command_generate_summary`, `learndash_module_ai_chatgpt_summarizer_last_preserved_messages_count`, `learndash_module_ai_chatgpt_summarizer_max_context_characters`, `learndash_module_ai_chatgpt_summarizer_messages_summary_content`, `learndash_module_ai_virtual_instructor_chat_session_initial_message`, `learndash_module_ai_virtual_instructor_chat_session_max_message_length`, `learndash_module_ai_virtual_instructor_chat_session_message_is_valid`, `learndash_module_ai_virtual_instructor_chat_session_message`, `learndash_module_ai_virtual_instructor_chat_session_storage_period`, `learndash_service_chatgpt_model_max_context_window_tokens`, `learndash_template_template_paths`.
  • Tweak – Added actions: `learndash_experiments_experiment_init_after`, `learndash_experiments_experiment_init_before`, `learndash_experiments_init_after`, `learndash_experiments_init_before`, `learndash_post_setting_updated`.

Update: 4.12.1


  • Tweak – Updated functions: `learndash_process_mark_complete`, `learndash_process_user_course_progress_update`.


  • Fix – Resolved issue where the course progress could not be updated in some cases in a user profile.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where Lifetime sales and Latest transactions widgets, present in the Course Dashboard, were causing fatal errors in some DB engines.
  • Fix – Fixed compatibility issues with plugins using composer dependencies.

Update: 4.12.0


  • Feature – Blended Learning


  • Performance – Groups listing/editing page when there are many groups
  • Performance – Course dashboard
  • Performance – Profile block when there are a lot of courses
  • Performance – Optimized functions: `learndash_get_certificate_count`, `learndash_get_groups_administrator_ids`, `learndash_get_groups_user_ids`, `learndash_get_user_stats`
  • Tweak – Updated constants: LEARNDASH_MIN_PHP_VERSION
  • Tweak – Set minimum required PHP version to 7.4
  • Tweak – Make shared course steps option enabled by default
  • Tweak – Updated the Stripe PHP library to version 13
  • Tweak – Added filters: `learndash_stripe_api_version`, `learndash_stripe_max_network_retries`
  • Tweak – Added functions: `learndash_course_steps_get_external_type`, `learndash_course_steps_is_external_attendance_required`, `learndash_course_steps_is_external`, `learndash_course_steps_map_external_type_to_label`, `learndash_process_password_reset_redirect`
  • Tweak – Updated functions: `learndash_course_get_step_completion_url`, `learndash_create_nonce`, `learndash_get_certificate_count`, `learndash_get_groups_administrator_ids`, `learndash_get_groups_user_ids`, `learndash_get_user_stats`, `learndash_mark_complete`, `learndash_process_mark_complete`, `learndash_reset_password_output`, `learndash_reset_password_set_user_new_password`, `learndash_stripe_api_version`, `learndash_stripe_max_network_retries`
  • Tweak – Updated templates: `ld30/templates/modules/course-steps.php`, `ld30/includes/helpers.php`, `ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php`, `themes/ld30/templates/topic/partials/row.php`, `ld30/templates/widgets/navigation/lesson-row.php`, `ld30/templates/widgets/navigation/topic-row.php`, `ld30/templates/quiz.php`


  • Fix – Password reset process redirects to Reset Password Success page
  • Fix – Stripe cancellation processing for finite subscriptions with no trial
  • Security – Tightened security around LearnDash Log
  • Security – Tightened security around quizzes
  • Tweak – Fixed PHP 8.2 deprecation notices
  • Tweak – Improved the invoice PDF in the purchase email for subscriptions with no trial

Update: 4.11.0


  • Feature – Add course completion page.


  • Tweak – Updated course progression to flow as expected between steps in a course.
  • Tweak – Added filters: `learndash_course_completion_page_redirect_enabled`, `learndash_course_linear_step_ids`, `learndash_course_next_step_default_value`, `learndash_course_next_step_id`, `learndash_course_next_step_url`, `learndash_course_previous_step_default_value`, `learndash_course_previous_step_id`, `learndash_course_previous_step_url`, `learndash_course_step_completion_url`.
  • Tweak – Updated filters: `learndash_course_completion_url`, `learndash_next_post_link`, `learndash_previous_post_link`.
  • Tweak – Deprecated filters: `learndash_completion_redirect`, `learndash_show_parent_next_link`, `learndash_show_parent_previous_link`.
  • Tweak – Added functions: `learndash_course_get_completion_url`, `learndash_course_get_linear_step_ids`, `learndash_course_get_step_completion_url`, `learndash_course_steps_requires_watching_video_after_sub_steps`, `learndash_shortcode_can_current_user_access_post`, `learndash_shortcode_protect_user`.
  • Tweak – Updated functions: `learndash_approve_assignment`, `learndash_get_step_post_statuses`, `learndash_mark_complete_process`, `learndash_next_post_link`, `learndash_previous_post_link`, `learndash_process_mark_complete`, `learndash_quiz_continue_link`, `learndash_quiz_redirect`, `learndash_upload_assignment_init`.
  • Tweak – Deprecated functions: `learndash_ajax_mark_complete`, `learndash_course_progress_widget`, `learndash_get_next_lesson_redirect`, `learndash_next_global_quiz`, `learndash_next_lesson_quiz`, `learndash_update_completion`.
  • Tweak – Updated templates: `ld30/templates/modules/course-steps.php`.


  • Fix – Lesson not marking as complete when “Not Graded, full points awarded” option set in quiz essay type.
  • Fix – Added additional validation for shortcodes and blocks.

Update: 4.10.3


  • Security – Tightened security around REST API.
  • Security – Tightened security around assignments & essays files.
  • Tweak – Changed assignment files uploading path to `uploads/learndash/assignments`.
  • Tweak – Changed essay files uploading path to `uploads/learndash/essays`.
  • Tweak – Made essay and assignment file links dynamic.
  • Tweak – Added filters: `learndash_file_can_be_downloaded`, `learndash_file_protection_paths`.
  • Tweak – Added functions: `learndash_assignment_get_download_url`, `learndash_quiz_essay_get_download_url`.
  • Tweak – Deprecated classes: `LD_REST_Posts_Gutenberg_Controller`.
  • Tweak – Deprecated filters: `learndash_rest_wp_archive_repsonse`, `learndash_rest_wp_archive_viewable`.
  • Tweak – Updated filters: `learndash_assignment_process_init`, `learndash_essay_upload_dirbase`, `learndash_essay_upload_urlbase`, `learndash_fileupload_process`, `learndash_upload_assignment_init`.
  • Tweak – Updated functions: , `learndash_add_new_essay_response`, `learndash_before_delete_essay`, `learndash_delete_user_data`, `learndash_essay_fileupload_process`, `learndash_essay_permissions`.
  • Tweak – Updated templates: `ld30/templates/assignment/partials/row.php`, `ld30/templates/shortcodes/profile/assignment-row.php`, `themes/legacy/templates/learndash_lesson_assignment_uploads_list.php`.


  • Fix – User’s essays and assignments posts do not get deleted permanently when the data erasure request is executed.

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