Nulled WordPress Plugins

WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro v2.1.0 Free Download

WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro Nulled plugin is an advanced tracking tool that extends the functionalities of the free WooCommerce Google Analytics integration. This plugin offers deeper insights and more detailed data on your WooCommerce store’s performance by integrating seamlessly with Google Analytics.

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Here are some key features of the WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro Free Download:

  1. Enhanced eCommerce Tracking: Tracks user behaviors across your store, from product views to checkout conversions. This gives you valuable data on where users drop off and how they interact with your products.
  2. Advanced Event Tracking: Tracks numerous actions like adding/removing products to/from the cart, viewing product details, and more.
  3. User ID Tracking: Helps you track a logged-in user’s actions across multiple devices, providing you with a unified view of their journey.
  4. Detailed Reporting: With more detailed tracking, you can get granular reports in your Google Analytics dashboard related to sales, users, and product performance.
  5. Exclude Shop Managers from Tracking: You can exclude certain user roles (like shop managers or administrators) from being tracked to ensure that your data is more relevant and accurate.
  6. Track User Source/Campaign: You can see where your users are coming from and which campaigns are more effective in driving sales.
  7. Link Attribution: Improves accuracy by understanding which links users are clicking, helping you refine your UI/UX for better conversions.
  8. Easy Setup: Typically, it’s easy to set up and comes with detailed documentation to help you integrate and make the most out of it.

When using the “WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro Nulled” or similar plugins, always ensure:

  1. You are compliant with data privacy laws (like GDPR, CCPA, etc.) and have the necessary consents in place.
  2. The plugin is kept up-to-date for the best performance and security.
  3. Monitor Google Analytics regularly to derive actionable insights and improve your store’s performance.

Lastly, note that plugins and their functionalities might evolve over time, so it’s always a good practice to refer to the official documentation or the WooCommerce marketplace for the most up-to-date information.

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Version 2.1.0 RELEASED ON 2024.05.27

  • Add Blocks support
  • Add support for Google Consent Mode V2
  • Experimental: allow using Collect API for server-side event tracking
  • Add `wc_google_analytics_pro_api_tracking_data` filter to allow adjusting server-side tracking data

Version 2.0.16RELEASED ON 2024.03.04

  • When tracking add to cart events, use the product data from the cart session rather than the product data from the database
  • Improve compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards
  • Improve compatibility with YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce
  • Add filters to tweak the behavior of tracking completed purchase events for orders that are normally in paid status

Version 2.0.15 RELEASED ON 2024.01.23

  • Add support for new authentication proxy service

Version 2.0.14 RELEASED ON 2023.11.30

  • Prevent Fatal TypeErrors for `add_to_cart` events in PHP 8.2 and newer

Version 2.0.13 RELEASED ON 2023.11.17

  • Add admin notices to help merchants reverting to the cart or checkout shortcodes if the corresponding blocks are used instead

Version 2.0.12 RELEASED ON 2023.09.07

  • Harden code when parsing cart and product item event data to avoid potential errors in specific situations

Version 2.0.11 RELEASED ON 2023.08.29

  • Include all required data in `view_item` events to support Google’s default purchase reporting

Version 2.0.10 RELEASED ON 2023.07.25

  • Add setting to control whether order revenue is tracked in GA4 with tax & shipping included or excluded

Version 2.0.9 RELEASED ON 2023.07.17

  • Enabling debug mode will now show events in GA4 DebugView
  • Pass visitor session ID & number to GA4 when tracking events via API to improve session attribution in reports
  • Only check for duplicate tracking codes if UA tracking is enabled
  • Prevent a JS error when product name contains quotes by ensuring double quotes are escaped in event parameters

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